Noto Pedia - Simple and Smart note taking app for your daily use
Noto Pedia is a smart and simple note taking app. Its very helpful for writing your Notes , Messages and Shopping lists. It gives you much simple and smart note editing experience.
Noto Pedia Key Features:
* Clean and smart interface
* Much simple to take notes
* Notes will be saved automatically
* Time and date added with each note
* Can update note on single click
* Time and date updated also
* Perform long click on any note a delete icon appears on toolbar
* Can move notes to recycle bin by clicking on delete icon
* Recycle bin keeps deleted notes from notes list
* Can restore deleted notes from recycle bin
* Can Empty Recycle bin on single click
Simple Note Taking App:
Noto Pedia is a Simple Note keeping app, quite easy to use interface. Simple to add note by just clicking on add button. New Note Screen will be displayed where you can add title and write your note.
Update Note:
Simply Click on any note from your list an update note screen will be displayed there you can make any changes to your current note.
Delete Note:
Perform long click on any note a delete icon appears on toolbar by clicking that icon note will be moved to recycle bin. Can Move Multiple notes at once by selecting them.
Recycle bin:
After removing note from notes list the note will be moved to recycle bin. So later if your mind changes you can restore it from there.
If you face any issue regarding app, an feedback option is always available in navigation menu. You can contact us any time by submitting feedback, we will respond to you as soon as possible.
If you have any additional questions, or faces any issue regarding app just contact us by email: .
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